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America's Most Trusted Asset Locator Firm




UCP National, LLC is proud to be America's most trusted asset locator firm. Our team of experts is dedicated to reuniting individuals and organizations with their lost or unclaimed assets. We understand that the process can be complex and overwhelming, but our goal is to make it as easy and fast as possible for you. We are committed to providing quality service and helping you get back what is rightfully yours. Let us help you today.

Colleagues at Work

Let Our Team Work For You


Free Asset Monitoring Service

If you are a medium to large business or a government agency, we encourage you to register for our free asset monitoring.


By registering for this service, our team will calendar new searches to find unclaimed assets that might arise in the future. We can adjust the frequency based on the volume of activity. 


Our turnkey service provides peace of mind knowing that you have a professional research team looking out for your unclaimed assets and makes the claim process more efficient. Register below and we will reach out to you to schedule an introduction call for us to go over all the details and let you ask any questions you may have. 

Asset Monitoring Service Registration

Thanks for submitting!

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